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Photography Montreal
A manifestation of the student movement in the streets of Montreal against rising tuition fees in Émilie-Gamelin Park April 27, 2012.
360 degree panoramic photograph and interactive virtual tour with ambiant sound.
The student demonstration of May 3, 2012 stops in front of the house of Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay.
360 degree panoramic photograph and interactive virtual tour with ambiant sound.
A manifestation of the student movement in the streets of Montreal against rising tuition fees in Émilie-Gamelin Park April 27, 2012.
360 degree panoramic photograph and interactive virtual tour with ambiant sound.
Montreal May Day demonstration in the streets of Montreal. May 1st 2012.
360 degree panoramic photograph and interactive virtual tour with ambiant sound.
Panorama from the University of Montreal and Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. UdeM together with its affiliated schools, HEC Montreal and Ecole Polytechnique, is the leading center for teaching and research in Québec. The University of ... >>
Big Bang exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine arts. EN MASSE is a Montreal-based collaborative drawing initiative founded by Jason Botkin and Tim Barnard in 2009, with the intention of allowing emerging "Neo-Pop" artists an opportunity to ... >>
Denys Arcand and Adad Hannah at the Big Bang exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Denys Arcand is undoubtedly one of the most important contemporary Canadian writers and directors. Adad Hannah makes video and photographic pieces that ... >>
The universe of Cirque Éloize and Jeannot Painchaud at the Big Bang exhibition presented at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. The meeting of artists from different disciplines and the integration of other forms of art with acrobatics is at ... >>