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Photography Montreal
For several years, roads, bridges and highway interchanges in Quebec are in disrepair and are literally falling apart. This is mainly due to the political choices of Quebec governments that have neglected road maintenance for decades by investing in ... >>
Demonstration in Montreal against the Harper Conservative government's cuts in cultural programs (2008).View the virtual tour with ambiant sound in this 360 degrees interactive panorama and see it as if you were there. >>
St. Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal, place of worship known to the world, is located on the north side of West Mount Royal in Montreal. St. Joseph is the patron of Catholic Canada. The basilica was founded in 1904 with the Chapel of Brother Andrew, ... >>
A performance by the percussion group Samajam at the gala of Tourisme Montréal. Panoramic images of photographer Jean-Pierre Lavoie projected behind the stage.
View the virtual tour with ambiant sound in this 360 degrees interactive panorama ... >>
Workshop of Montreal's industrial manufacturing.
View the virtual tour with sound in this 360 degrees interactive panorama as if you were there.
The Unicorn and Lynx ships visiting the Old Port of Montreal.
View the virtual tour with ambiant sound in this 360 degrees interactive panorama and see it as if you were there.
The famous ship Bounty visiting the Old Port of Montreal with four other tall ships. The famous three-masted 180-foot long figured in the second episode of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
View the virtual tour with ambiant sound in this 360 ... >>