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Photography Montreal
A visit to the set of the television series Mirador to be broadcast on Radio-Canada in 2010. The theme of the series of crisis management media while exploring the dark side of PR, or manipulation and concealment of information to the general ... >>
1st Church of Anglophone Montreal (1843) neo-Gothic style. Each of its pine columns dividing the nave into 3 vessels is a tree trunk carved from one piece. The oak lined the nave, the pulpit and rood screen in woodworking is a wonderful heat in the ... >>
The excitement and tension were to be cut with a knife when the parents of Fredy Villanueva, sobbing, released the doves at the symbolic ceremony for the funeral of this young man. The doves have literally spent over ...
A sad story that the tragic ... >>
Christ Church Cathedral stands in the heart of the commercial and shopping centre of Montreal. It is a stone's throw from McGill University, one of the major universities of the city. Since the development of the late eighties, the Cathedral is ... >>
The St. John's United Church is a Protestant community of French language at the heart of Montreal, dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel to men and women of today. It is also dedicated to Christian education, the spiritual renewal and celebration of ... >>
Situated close to downtown Montreal in the historic municipality of Westmount, Congregation Shaar Hashomayim is the oldest and largest Ashkenazic synagogue in Canada. Originally located on St. Constant Street and then on McGill College Avenue, the ... >>
Sufism is the pulsing heart of Islam. Sufis strive to embody the way of Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and the rest (peace be upon them). The Naqshbandi-Haqqani variety is by striving in love: always remember the Source; polish the heart's mirror from all ... >>